WINTRUSTEK duwe tim profesional lan semangat kanggo para pelanggan, mbantu sampeyan ngerteni solusi sing paling cocog.
Xiamen Wintrustek Advanced Materials Co., Ltd.
WINTRUSTEK minangka produsen terkemuka khusus ing keramik teknis wiwit 2014. Swara taun, kita wis setya riset, desain, produksi lan pemasaran kanthi nyedhiyakake macem-macem solusi keramik canggih kanggo industri sing njaluk kinerja materi sing luar biasa kanggo ngatasi kahanan kerja sing ekstrim.
Bahan keramik kita kalebu: - Aluminium Oksida - Zirkonium Oksida - Beryllium Oxide- Aluminium Nitride- Boron Nitride- Silicon Nitride- Silicon Carbide- Boron Carbide- Macor. Pelanggan kita milih kerja sama karo kita adhedhasar teknologi, profesi, lan komitmen kita industri sing kita layani.Misi jangka panjang Wintrustek yaiku nambah kinerja bahan maju nalika njaga fokus ing kepuasan klien kanthi nyedhiyakake produk kanthi kualitas paling dhuwur lan layanan kelas siji.
Due to its unique properties, SiC is a very desirable material for high power applications requiring high temperatures, high current, and high thermal conductivity.
SiC has emerged as a major force in the semiconductor business, supplying power to power modules, Schottky diodes, and MOSFETs for use in high-efficiency, high-power applications.
Additionally, SiC can handle high operating frequenci
Boron carbide ceramics with semiconductor capabilities and strong thermal conductivity can be employed as high-temperature semiconductor components, as well as gas distribution disks, focusing rings, microwave or infrared windows, and DC plugs in the semiconductor sector.
Aluminum nitride is an insulating ceramic with strong thermal and electrical conductivity. Its strong thermal conductivity makes it a popular material for semiconductors. Additionally, it is a good option for a variety of semiconductors due to its low expansion coefficient and strong oxidation resistance. Because of its great resistance to heat and chemicals, aluminum nitride is a material of choi
A 99.8% alumina ceramic loader arm is a component used in semiconductor manufacturing processes. Alumina ceramic is a type of ceramic material with excellent electrical insulation and high thermal conductivity properties, making it suitable for various semiconductor applications.The ceramic arm is commonly employed in semiconductor production equipment such as wafer handling robots and pick-and-pl